Entries from 2013-06-14 to 1 day

What is Hatena Blog?

Hatena has built upon years of experience as one of the top blogging sites in Japan to bring you a highly advanced and easy-to-use blog service. We look forward to your enjoyment of Hatena Blog! Four of the main features of Hatena Blog are…

Sample Entry

This is a sample entry that can be used as a reference when making custom themes for Hatena Blof. Copy the following text and create a new entry with it. This entry contains Hatena Notation code. Please make sure to enable Hatena Notation …

Hatena Blog Theme Creation Guide

You can use your own CSS to create original theme designs on Hatena Blog. Post your designs to the Theme Store to share your creations with other Hatena Blog users. The information here is intended for web designers who wish to learn how t…

Reading blogs

Several different privacy settings can be used on Hatena Blog Blogs set to "Public" mode can be accessed and read by anyone. Blogs with custom privacy settings can only be accessed and read by authorized users. Blogs which require Question…

Writing blog entries

Access the editing window for your blog at anytime Preview exactly how your blog will look as you edit or create it. Click on the "New Entry" link in the page header to create a new entry. Click on the "Edit" button when viewing your own b…

Change the privacy settings for your blog

When you first create a blog you can choose a privacy setting to control who is able to access and read your blog.You can make more adjustments to who can or cannot view your blog by accessing the Privacy Settings page.You can choose from …

Post blog entries by email

Every blog on Hatena Blog has a unique "Posting address" that you can use to create blog entries by sending emails. You can find your posting address by accessing the Advanced tab on the settings page for your blog. The title of your email…

Add sidebar modules to your blog

Click on the "Customize" tab on the Design settings page then click on the "Sidebar" item to modify or add modules to the sidebar section on your blog. Click on the "+ Add module" button to install more modules. Use your mouse to arrange m…

Get started with Hatena Blog

Access the Create Blog page to make your blog in three easy steps. 1. Choose the URL for your blog Select a domain that you would like to use from the domain list. The text that appears before the domain, is called the subdomain. The subdo…

Change the design of your blog

Click on the "Design" button on the left side of the management screen for your blog. The design settings sidebar will appear, and you can preview how your blog will look as your make changes. The "Back to Admin" and "Update Design" button…

Blog settings

Basic settings Access the management screen for your blog, by clicking on the "Settings" link in the page header. Next, click on the "Settings" button to the right of the name of the blog you wish to modify, or click the name of the blog y…

Use blog widgets and social media plug-ins

You can use all sorts of blog widgets and social media plug-ins with Hatena Blog. Access the "Settings" menu at the top of your blog page, then choose "Design" and click on the Customize tab to get started.Change the design of your blog Ad…

Blog Groups

Blog Groups connect blogs with common themes into communities where people can share their thoughts and ideas. Features of Blog Groups Blog groups have the following useful features: A "Blogs in this group" list is displayed A list of rece…

Editing Modes

Hatena Blog has three different editing modes. Tip When you first create your blog, WYSIWYG mode will be enabled. If you don't understand Hatena Notation or know how to use HTML tags, we recommend that you use this mode.If you are accustom…

Community Guidelines

The following Community Guidelines are here to help you understand what it means to be a member of the Hatena Blog community. Your use of Hatena Blog is subject to these Community Guidelines and the Hatena Terms of Use. Contents About Hate…

Add photos or images to your blog entries

Use the sidebar on the right side of the entry window to add images to your blog entries. You can upload new images, or select previously uploaded images to use in your blog entries. With "WYSIWYG Mode" you can see exactly how your images …

Hatena Blog Help

Frequently asked questions How to add images to your blog entries Change the design of your blog How to delete your blog Get started with Hatena Blog What is Hatena Blog? Start using Hatena Blog Change settings on Hatena Blog Hatena Blog s…